Thursday, November 21, 2013


“ Long story short, a former Mattel employee left the company and crafted one of the first serious threats to Barbie's dominance, the Bratz dolls. Mattel, of course, was none too happy because the designer was still employed by Mattel when he came up with the idea. Mattel felt it owned the idea and sued the designer in an effort to make that a reality.”

“Now, it appears the fight is finally over. And, like many long legal battles, the lawyers are the only ones coming out ahead.”

I believe that this war is, or was ridiculous. The creator may have created Bratz dolls while working for Barbie, but this doesn’t mean the idea came from Mattel. Unless the company was going over ideas to change the look of Barbie and this design was discussed, if not then the creator of Bratz dolls would still be the former employee. I believe it is horrible when I leading company gets scared of an upcoming company and tries to drive them out of business with Legal fees. Mattel most likely new they would not win, but was trying to get rid of the competition by taking the former employee to court.

EOC: WEEK 8 - 10 Questions

1 What type of corporation should a Visual effects and motion graphics professional set up? Sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations.
2 What paper work do I have to keep track of for my business, and what is the best way to maintain it?

3 What are my risks of getting sued, in the field of motion graghics?

4 Can I use personal assets in running my business? Also should I use personal assets?

5 What should I consider before taking on investors?

6  How can I protect the name of my business?

 7 What happens if my business grows rapidly or tanks suddenly? What legal action would I have to             take?’

 8 How do I make sure my business is compliant?

9   With laws and regulations, should I have a legal professional go over the paper work, if so what would be the cost?

10   How do I plan ahead for my family? What legal paper work would I have to fill out to transfer the business?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

EOC: WEEK 7 - 10 Nevada Business Attorneys

Keith E Gregory   (702) 570-1219


Cooksey, Toolen, Gage, Duffy & Woog



Byron J. Bahr                          (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100

Michelle J. Berner                 (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100

Steven E. Ernest                    (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100

Kim P. Gage                            (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100     

Paul K. Hoffman                    (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100       

John H. Kim                            (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100          

Randall P. Mroczynski          (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100      

Robert A. Riether                  (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100

Robert L. Toolen                    (714) 431-1100/ (702) 949-3100

Thursday, November 7, 2013

EOC: WEEK 6 - Supreme Court Prayer

I am not a big religious follower, but I still believe that everyone has a right to express there religious belief. I will state that it is not best to mix the government branches with religion, but the government   should still be help to high morals and standards.  This way the government, and its branches do not offend anyone, but they are still held to high expectations.

“The Supreme Court is wrestling with the appropriate role for religion in government in a case involving prayers at the start of a New York town's council meetings.

The justices engaged in a lively give-and-take Wednesday that highlighted the sensitive nature of offering religious invocations in public proceedings that don't appeal to everyone and of governments' efforts to police the practice

The court is weighing a federal appeals court ruling that said the Rochester suburb of Greece, N.Y., violated the Constitution because nearly every prayer in an 11-year span was overtly Christian.

Greece is being backed by the Obama administration and many social and religious conservative groups in arguing that the court settled this issue 30 years ago when it held that an opening prayer is part of the nation's fabric and not a violation of the First Amendment. Some of those groups want the court to go further and get rid of legal rules that tend to rein in religious expression in the public sphere.”